What to Expect
Our services start at 10.30am and usually finish at about 11.45am. If you pay us a visit on Sunday morning you can expect…
Parking - You can either park in our car park at the front of the church or on the road outside.
Facilities - We have a wheelchair ramp into the church and disabled toilets. We have baby changing facilities in the ladies and gentlemen's toilets.
Welcome - You will be welcomed and a steward will hand you a notice sheet which gives you more information about the church and a Bible to use during the service.
Music - We sing a combination of contemporary worship songs and traditional hymns, accompanied by piano or recorded music. The words of the songs are projected onto a screen at the front, but hymn books are available if you prefer.
Prayers - We pray to God in different ways and about all sorts of things, including global and local issues. These prayers are usually led from the front but sometimes people will pray from their seats, or we pray a prayer altogether that is up on the screen.
Offering - We have a no obligation offering which is taken during the service. All contributions go towards the work of the church. If you are visiting or a newcomer please don't feel obliged to contribute! We sometimes have special giving days for particular causes.
Junior Church - Children leave the main service after about 15-20 minutes to attend Junior Church where they learn Bible stories, sing and play games. They are currently using material from Scripture Union and Urban Saints. If you are bringing your children you are welcome to join them in Junior Church or likewise leave them with our 'DBS checked' leaders. We have a child protection policy and a designated safeguarding champion - signposted in the building.
Message - If you stay in the main service you will hear a sermon. This will be based on the Bible and (we hope!) relevant to everyday life.
Communion - We generally take communion on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month. It is something Jesus told us to do and is a 'mini-meal' of bread and wine (we have grape juice). Communion reflects and makes real for us the heart of the Christian faith - the fact that through Jesus' death and resurrection we can know forgiveness and 'life to the full' (John 10:10), through it we encounter Christ by his spirit. There is no obligation to take communion but all are welcome.
Family Service - Once a month (usually the 4th Sunday) the children stay in with the adults for the whole service. The service, usually based around a simple theme, aims to be interactive, varied and fun.
Refreshments - After the service closes we share tea, coffee, juice and biscuits. This is free of charge and gives us an opportunity to chat and get to know each other better.